Wednesday, February 2, 2011

ATBG Ch.2-9


"Are you sure? It is a dangerous thing you do Parker.."
"Yes I'm sure....Misses, I would like to-"

The door slided open.

"Ohayo gozaimasu family!!" Walks in Suzuki.
"Suzuki!!!" Parker shook her hand.
"Oh? And you are----Oh! The little boy dancing with Miuzaki! How's she?"
"Uhmm..." Parker and her parents looked outside at her.
"Oh, gomen ansai. I just came to give you this..It was on the floor near the Candy Shop. Is it yours?" She handed Miuzaki's father the amulet with a locket inside. He opened the locket and saw a pic of he and his 1798....His father and his wife; the father's paretns back in the 1700s.

"Yes..." He teared up... "This was of my family back then....."
"But that isn't your father... Engraved was "Here lying still and tall, bethow my son.....Hitache and Suminoko...." Those aren't your-"
"These were my grandparents....GREAT-grandparents.... I called them mother and father, cuz my elders told me the story, Hitache's real name was Fukunara....He was a solider for Tokyo in its wars.....died in 1887.....This was the last picture they took together.....Then his son, Gizu, took the picture and gave to his son on his death bed, Juisuko....Then my father, Aihitane.......Passed to me on his dying bed *cries*..."
"Oh, I am sorry brother.....Miuzaki, call her in."

"Miuzaki! Suzuki's here! She calls!"

Miuzaki walks into the room wiping her eyes. She sees her father crying, holding the locket.

"Miuzaki, come....It's a talk we need..."

"I'll leave." Parker left. He sat in his car looking at the girls walking out into the Sakura trees.

"Miuzaki, Jie was--"
"Murdered. I notice. I saw the woman took her..."
"Oh....Then why haven't you-"
"You and your couple shouldn't be involved....Like the case you guys wanted to do: Kuchisake onna. You never found anyone/or anything...You threw it in the dusk. Why this one?"
"Because Jie's family asked my married man for help. He wants you to come to the sight."
"Miuzaki," She patted Miuzaki's shoulders and kneeled. "This is important. What if the woman that killed her really HAD a head?"
"Well she doesn't!!! I saw her!!! She took her head! May I see the body?"
"Only if you come with me."

The two girls walked to the scene. The officers came, the yellow tape was struck. Suzuki and Miuzaki walked in and saw her uncle with other cops.

"Oh Miuzaki! Arigato, thank you for coming. Hun, take her into that building; the store clerk wants a chat."
"Suzuki...That's the man who--"
"I know. He told me..."

"Oh hello miss. How's the candy?"
"Shut up. I knew it was you..." Miuzaki snorted.
"Miu! Apologize!"
"Gomen nasai." She bowed.
"Hahaha! It's alright, you want answers don't ya?"

"Yes...I am wife of that man over there." She pointed to her husband.
"Oh, How may I help?"
"Answer my questions: 1.Where were you on the day this happened?"

"He was at the store!!"
"Miuzaki please!"

"Like she said, at the store, then, she and her friend, btw I am sorry about what happened, I told them that two lil' cuties shouldn't be walking home alone."
"DId you tell them the Head-less Wanderer of Blossom Gate Hill?"
"Of Blossoms Gate ma'am! Not the hill one."
"I see....Did you inform them on the consequences with her?"
"I was--But they left in a rush."

"Jie wanted to go home, itn was cold in there."

"You didn;t offer the girls warmth? Or a place to stay?"
"How can I? I live in the store for God's sake!"
"Gomen nasai miss...I had no things to be of use...just candy.."
"Do you have the reciept?"
'Hai." He handed her the paper. "See? A box of Tokyo chocolate sticks.."
"Yummm...Was this new ones?"
"Of course! I never sell old ones!!"
"Liar! The box they grabbed was of 1976...its 2002!"
"So she must've gotten sick and crazy from the cold that she was imagining the woman!"
"Who thinks of that?!"
"Sir, tell me the truth: 2.What's your past jail experience?"
"Well....I was arrested in 1991....for theft at this candy shop.."
"Why be working?"
"Cuz I always wanted a shop all mine....Btw, my name's Asukage....."
"You changed your name and everything so you can be clear, hai?"
"Hai...My name's really Asagi....."
" Well, thank you for your time...If you see someone like the woman again, please, calm down and call me, my husband, Miuzaki's family or anyone that can help you..."
"But she goes for girls!"


"Eh?! What's prefect??"
"We will set tonight, we will make camps....And we will use Miuzaki."

"EH?!?!?!?!?!?! Aunt Suzuki!!!"
"Do not worry, if she comes for beautiful women, we can use you as bait, if she comes...."

"Wait! Only on April 18+19th!!"
"But yesterday was February..."

"Hai...Today: February, we will set camps!!"

Miuzaki came into her uncle's camp base..Suzuki and her husband in bed reading on the latest stories.

"Oh Miuzaki, hello. Why aren't you in the store?" Suzuki put down her glasses and book.
"Gotta ask uncle something..."
"Go on..."
"What if she gets me?"
"She won't, calm down...Go back in there with Asukage."
"Hai...But if she catches; rips my head off, tell Parker I'll be home..."
"He'll understand.."

Miuzaki walked into the store...Asukage(Asagi) sat where he always is; the register..

"You ready?" He said.
"Sure.." She bit her lip. "It's cold."
"Duh!! Hahaha..Wait, there's a lady outside." Asagi opened the machine and handed Miuzaki 50 yen.

"Thank you sir." Miuzaki bowed. When she turned around, there stood the woman she saw the other night. The woman removed her hoodie; as usual; she had no head.


"STOP!!!" Suzuki + her husband puilled out there guns. The woman had her hands on Miuzaki, Miuzaki breathed heavily..The couple shot until they got no more bullets, it jumped off her as if she was made of gold and it bounced back...

Miuzaki screamed and closed her eyes...
The head-less woman vanished...
Miuzaki fell on her knees and cried...Parker drove out to the store, when he got there, he saw Miuzaki crying. He ran to her..

"Miuzaki!!!! You alright?!"
Parker turned the body, there was no head. It wasn't Miuzaki.
"AHHHH! Who the--"

"Were too late! She struck again another one!"
"Who was this?!?!?!?!"
"We need to know that, pardon us." Te medical examiner, Koshi Fukiname, took the body into the car and drove off to the Morgue..


Miuzaki and her family ate breakfast in the pink sky daylight...
She looked at her parents, her brothers and Parker...
"Something wrong Miu?" Hishii (her brother) asked..
"Hai, you are excused."

"Miuzaki, May I?"
"Yes Parker, you are excused.."

He follwed Miuzaki outside on the fields.

"What do you want Parker?"
"I wanna ask you something." He blushed..
"Will- WIll you--"
"Huh? Spit it."
"Will you go out with me?!" He looked down. Miuzaki looks at him, and he looks in her eyes.

They kiss.


“Uh….What was that about?” Parker blushed deeply.
“Huh? I thought you wanted it….Didn’t you?”
“And yes. I will go out with you^^” She grabbed his hands. “Thank you.”
“No…Thank you.” He got up and kissed her cheek. “I’m going inside now.”
“Do you want to come back in? And eat?”
“No, arigato…But, I am very still deep…”
“I know…And are you alright? I mean…” He rushed back to her and hugged her from behind.
“Hahaha yes Parker!” Miu looked at him and smiled. “Now go, eat. I will be at the Candy Store.”
“Candy for breakfast? Ha! I will get you a meal.”

Parker headed back into the kitchen and sat down. Miu looked at him through the clear windows, they were cleaned this morning. She wiped off the grass from her skirt and headed on north.
He grabbed his fork and chowed on the eggs and rice.

“Hey,” Hishii asked. “Where is she heading?”
“To the candy place.” Parker swallowed.
“I saw you two kiss.” Hishii stuck out his tongue.

“You WHAT?! You placed your hairy lips onto the pure glass-skin of my daughter?!”
“Hun! It is alright…Miu has liked enough, and she wants to pick.”
“And sir, my lips aren’t hairy. I do not have a mustache nor any facial hair yet ha.”

“Parker, please, eat your meal and go follow her. My daughter must not roam the streets alone. It is dangerous.”
“Hai sir.” Parker ate his meal and bowed, cleaned his plate and went out the door.

Miu arrived at the candy store. She found a pebble and kicked it down the dirt road. The wind was blowing high at tide, and she only wore a skirt and a shirt.

“Damn it cold.” She clenched herself briefly and looked up at the store sign:

(Tokyo Candy Shop: CLOSED FOR THE YEAR
From the brightest of gummy bears, to the darks of chocolate swirls.
We bring you delicious; scrumptious; mouth-watering candies yet!
Come in and see!
All COST: 78YEN-709YEN)”

“WHAT?! Closed? But why? How?”
“I’ll tell you why..”

Ch. 5

“Who….Who are you?!” Miu backs up into a wall and falls on her knees.
“Don’t be afraid Miu-san, It’s me,”
“WHO!!!! And how do you know my name?!”
“Miu-san, Miu-san…..”

“Miu! Wake up!! It’s me Miu!”
“Don’t scare me like that! I was worried for a sec.”
“Gomen nasai..But….”
“I found you at the candy store…..”
“But how am I….?”
“You were freezing, and you fell asleep on the porch outside…”
“So it was a nightmare…?”
“Oh Parker! I’m so sorry!!” She grabs his tight….. “I….I was just….”
“It’s okay, let’s bring you-“
“Parker? You alright?”
“Yeah….It’s just-“


“You hear that?” Parker looks in between the tress shaking.
“Yeah…Parker, don’t!”
“I’m going to come back, promise!” He smiled at her and kissed her lips. “I’m just going to see what it is..”
“O….Okay…I’m coming too.”
“No, stay. It might be dangerous. Here, my jacket wear it.” He placed his jacket on her. And he walks into the forest.

“Parker..” She whispers.

No sound was heard from then on, just the sound of the leaves hitting the branches and the trees moving side-to-side. Then, she looked up at the stars and the moon, laying down on the grass wearing his jacket.

“Parker I…”


“Parker!!” She dropped his jacket and ran into the woods, out came a woman holding a baby.
“Miss, are you alright?! Was that you screaming?”

“H-Hai….hehehehehe” Miu couldn’t see her face as her head was covered by a hoodie. And the baby was wrapped tightly in a blue blanket.

“What’s funny?”
“May I…..Have yours as well?” She turned the blanket around, in it….was Parker’s head!!!!!!! And the woman took off her hoodie, alas, it was the Headless-Woman. She has struck again.

Miu fell in shock and crawled backwards.

“My my my, you have a lovely head Miu….Miu-san….”

“Miu!” She opened her eyes, and saw Hishii holding her in his arms…Parker in an ambulance…with his head attached to his body.

“Brother………PARKER!!!!!!!!!!!” She pushed Hishii aside and ran to the van. Parker’s left body was badly injured…and was on a respirator.
“What happened to him?! Parker!!!!!”

“Miu,” Hishii grabbed her and placed Parker’s jacket on her. “Parker was in there and was trapped.”
“Did the lady get him?!”
“No…When I knew something was fishy I came looking for the both of you…And I saw you on the floor…..Oh lord, Miu! Your leg!”

Her leg was covered in a dosage-amount of blood.

“What happened?”
“That’s what I’m saying. Miu, let’s take you home. We will see Parker in the morning.”

Morning struck. The loud church bell rung heavenly, which woke up the elders.
Mother came down from her room wearing her clear robe, and began cooking breakfast. Father came from outside, he just raked the fall leaves, and carried in his daily newspaper.
She made him coffee.




(“Do you want some with regular?"

"Just Black, plain. Arigato gozaimasu dear. Did you hear about Parker?"

"Oh yes! That was an awful tragedy. I hope for the better. Shall we pay a visit?"

"Hai. Miu said she will join us. So will Hishii.”)

Hishii walks down the flight of steps and could smell the food in the laundry room.
Miu walks down and helps her brother with chores.

“What time do we go?”
“Right after we have our Sakura Kōzō Shingen(サクラコウゾの信玄).”
“Oh yes, that is today I forgot.”

When the two finished, they went into the living room, sat on the pillows and ate.

“Okaasan, sumimasen?”
“Eh? What is wrong Hishii-san?”
“Nothing. I just….Sumimasen..” He got up and left into the backyard.

“Your mother has not given you word son! Return at once or you will be disowned!”
“Hun, shhhh. I give him word, do not treat bad of our son.”
“Miuzaki, Go.”

“Hai, oniisan.”

She got up and went to the yard, Hishii laid down on the green-emerald-like grass.

“Brother, what is wrong?”
“Miuzaki, it is unknown for certain that I must return to duty.”
“Eh?! Domo?”
“Miuzaki, please watch over the family. For okaasan and oniisan are very fragile and old at their statue.”
“Mother’s only 48 and father’s just 53.”
“I recall, but, if I do must return, then take care of well. Learn to cook the family dish and go find love.”
“But…I already found…..”
“Love? Parker?”
“But the clan must not allow a white man enter.”
“Hishii, you’re scaring me.”
“Gomen nasai Miuzaki, but you know the rules.”

“Fuck the rules!”

“Miuzaki! Come!” He gets up and pulls on her arm.

“Ow brother! I am sorry! Forgive I!”
“Don’t forgive to me, but the family temple. When you swear at blood grounds, you must go to the temple to redeem your freedom.”
“Or you must face consequences.”
“Which are?”
“You must leave the grounds, leave the country….or even be killed.”
“Oh, I’m not scared.”

“You should be. Since father does the rituals. So you have to say what you just said to him. And you know Oniisan- father is strict.”

“damn,” Miu looks up at her brother. “Have you ever did this before?”
“This? No. Before? Hai.”
“O.O Tell me.”
“I can’t. Once you are forgiven, the sin is removed from your record and you MUST forget the reason you were sent.”

“Here we are. We will see Parker after your sentence.”
“Can you come in with me?”
“Iie. This is something you must do.”
“Hai.” She hugged her brother regarding what she said before..She let’s go of his hand and before stepping onto the steps that lead in the temple, Hishii yells:

“Oh! Word of advice: Never be afraid of your fear..It’ll come back..And! If father throws you the chains, take it and take it like a man!”

Ch. 6

She walks slowly up the steel-iron steps. When she arrives, the door opens before her and enters.
As she walked up behind the podium, her father stood on the other side, placed his book onto the podium.

“My my, my little Miuzaki. What has brought you to be up before I?”
“Oniisan, I have sworn on family grounds.”
“I see, well then,” He opens the book. “It says here, that swearing on family grounds is a family house rule violations, and your punishment is to be on probation for 30 days.”
“30 days. But father, I must see Parker today.”
“I am sorry. The family code says a month, no visitors…”
“Does this mean you gave me approval?”
“No, you are my daughter-a first timer….and this is your warning.” He pulls out a heavy rusted chain, with a metal ball attached to its end. He placed the chain around her neck and splashed water on her face. “Do that again, and you will pay high price.”
“I will not do it again father, arigato..”
She walks out of the family temple, puffing, gasping for air as the rusted chain was tight around her fragile neck.

“So he gave you the chains huh?”
“Shut up….It hurts to….”
“I told you.”
“Shut up…”
“What else was the punish?”
“30-day probation…”
“Ouch.” Hishii walked his sister home and tied the metal ball around the inner fence pole. She must stay out there for the month, it don’t matter if it was wintery-days…She must suffer the consequences…

As Hishii, her mother and father all gathered up in the car to see Parker at the hospital, she began tearing up as the car drove off scene.

“Damn it….I……I can’t…..breathe…” Everything from here on was getting blurry for her, she couldn’t breathe or see. The chain around her neck was causing her into insanity.

“Damn it…..I wish I could take it off….” She began seeing things and everything went cloudy- blurry…And she fell onto the ground. Before closing her eyes she said:

“Fuck this…………Fuck………..”

Ch. 7

“Parker? Parker, are you awake?”
“Hun, he must rest. I will go check on Miu, stay with him.”
“I shall.” He kissed her gently and strolled out the room. Hishii sat in the chair farthest from Parker and his mother. He watched out the window and thought of his sister.

“I hope she’s fine.” He said to himself.

Back at the residence:

Their father has driven home to see his daughter passed out on the lawn. He rushed out his car and ran to the body, checked her pulse, still breathing; barely.
“Miu! Wake up!! Miu!”
“Oniisan, it’s………..”

He rushed her into the living room. He removed her chain and saw it was very too tight since it left red marks across her neck.

“Gomen nasai Miuzaki..”
“It’s ok…At least I’m living. How is Parker doing?”
“He is not awake, come,” He rose. “I will arrive you to him.”
“But aren’t I-“
“I didn’t give you permission to go to the Morning Church.”
“If I had given you permission, you would’ve been dead. The chain be tighter, and you would’ve died right on the scene.”
“Oh, arigato gozaimasu.” She bowed.
“You are lucky. Next time it happens, you are gone.”
“Father,” She got up and grabbed her coat. He turned around.
“What?” With a stricken look.
“I have a confession.”
“Oh great, you swore on the grounds again didn’t you?”
“Hai! Forgive me father!” She bowed and closed her eyes tight. Thinking he place the chains on again, he didn’t. He patted her shoulder and told her to get up.
“If you are not caught by a neighbor or blood, it is ok.”
“But I told you.”
“Yeah, just now. I cannot hold you accountable.”
“Just watch your dirty mouth next time.”
“I will. Thank you father.”
“Good. Let’s go then.”


“Parker,” Suzuki enters his room awhile ago. “It’s me Suzuki…I heard what happened: AWFUL. I hope what the doctors say are true. I know you want to see Miuzaki so very bad, but she was caught breaking a law and I don’t know if she will make it.”
Miuzaki and her father walked in.
“Oh! Miuzaki!” She hugged her niece. “I thought you were on probation.”
“I was, it’s a long story.” Miu looks at Parker’s screen: beeping.
“Is he or has he improved?” Suzuki’s brother gave his wife a kiss. Hishii still looks out the window.
“He has a little. Doctors came and said his recovery is a little slow. But he will fully recover soon, I hope.” His wife placed her rosary beads into Parker’s hand. She closed his fist and kissed his forehead. “You are like a brother to Miuzaki, either with Hishii here or not. You are respected in this family, even though you are a white man. 私の家族と私が尋ねたとき、彼女を探しに、あなたに当社の信用と感謝を与えている。しかし、あなたは、プレートに飛び込む私たちにあなたの人生を提供しても、あなたが/または持っていない場合があります少女を保護するのが好きです。 Miuと彼女の家族は私の唇から出てくる彼女の言葉からは、すべての感謝を与えている:私はパーカーありがとう...




グレートエンディングはあなたに幸運と思い出をもたらすでしょう。(My family and I have given you our credit and thanks, for looking out for her when we asked. But you like to jump into the plate, offer us your life, even to protect the girl you may/ or may not have. Miu and her family has given you all our gratitude, from her words coming out of my lips: I thank you Parker...

Once you leave to return to the America where you came, please, do come visit. Maybe we shall visit again?
You will be missed if you die on this bed tonight.

Once again, our clan has given you gratitude our thanks, and our permission to come along by any means. Enjoy your trip before you leave. If you ever meet a Japan lady here, please do not leave her. Write to her or email, whatever you kids do.
Just keep a Japanese lady happy, even if she is poor, a woman is still a woman; no matter on money-cost. She's still a woman-being.

I hope you have a great trip back to the America, give your parents our greetings. Arigato gozaimasu.

We love you forever to the nether world. I and my husband will watch you from the skies if we ever pass along.
Great endings will bring you luck and memories.)”

“Honey,” He patted her shoulder. “Please pray. We must leave shortly.”
“Oh yes, it is almost time for the gray afternoon.”
“What’s that Hishii?” Miu whispered.
“You got no Japanese in your blood do you?”
“I do! But I never heard of Gray Afternoon.”
“灰色の午後 (Gray Days; Gray Afternoon) is a mourning time in which all sacred families; we are one of them in case you haven’t notice. Its where all the novle clans come and meet at the pope’s (This year its us) house and we all go to Morning Church after we eat. WE go mourn at the M.Church.”
“We gotta wear gray?”
“It’s a nobleman tradition. You have to do this when you’re older, it don’t matter if you live in like…..Norway, you still got to do it.”
“You are a full blooded-Japanese lady. It just is.”

“Sumi masen,” The nurse walked in with a clipboard. “Is this, Parker?”
“Hai. Do you bring us great or savaging news?”
“A little of both.”

Miuzaki’s heart began pounding so hard, she clenched her chest and awaits the bad news.

“Give us the bad news miss.” Hishii responded.
“Well, Parker has suffered a legal blow severally damaging his frontal lope, correct?”
“Hai, get to it miss.”
“Well, at my perspective, it looks like he will make a good recovery.”
“And? Miss, how is it bad?”
“He will not remember who any of you are.”

Everyone stood there quietly. Miuzaki looked as her boyfriend laying in the bed unresponsive to anyone. And now, if he regains a full recovery, he will not remember the family, the doctors, his family, anyone, even worse: he won’t remember her.

“But, is the brain damage permanently?” Miuzaki rose from her seat.
“Calm down Miu.” Calms her down, Hishii grabbed her hand.
“That has been undecided miss. Gomen nasai.”
“Are you sure that this is the same Parker that was found in the forest? Or some other Paker?”
“Uhmmmm,” The nurse goes through her charts. “Nope, same one. See?” She flashes the paper at the family.
“What is the good news miss……Uiichinara?”
“Good news is that everything is fine.”
“Everything else? How is that a good thing?” Miuzaki got upset.
“Well, if any of his internal organ were damaged greatly, he would’ve died on impact. If it were his heart that would’ve gone pierced, then he’d die on impact as well.”
“So you’re saying his brain ism’t important? That, that it’s just there?! You know the brain in the functioning organ right? If it had like….evaporated or something, he would’ve died?! It doesn’t matter if he has organ failure or heart failure, the brain controls and sends messages although the body telling it what to do. Did you think his brain sent his body a message saying: “Oh! Don’t care in me docs! I’m just a brain, not as important as my heart or organs EVEN THOUGH I CONTROL THEM!” Nothing would ever function if his brain had died!”
“Miss, I know you’re upset but—“
“Upset, hell ya I am! You’re saying that his mental part of him is of no importance! You know what, I’m more than upset; I’M AGGRIVATED WITH ALL YOU DOCTORS AND YOUR TECHNOLOGY AND YOUR FANCY-SHMANSY GADGETS! WHY DON’T YOU EVER USE IT?! Save someone for once instead of finding the cause too late!!”
“But ma’am I am only just a nurse.”
“Miss, I may ask you to leave.”
“Or what? This ain’t your room.”

“Miuzaki! 行動して一度に!”
“Or else what? I’m grounded? OOOOOO, So what!”
“I may have to hold you in contempt!”
“For what father?! We are not in sacred grounds!”
“So? It doesn’t always have to be. This hospital was built and runned by Fujisato Okanami. He is the part of the Okanami clan, they are a sacred clan. The rules imply that if a noble classmen has reached foot in another one’s property(it do not have to be owning-home), and has given attitude to his/her machines(people in this case), and if you are caught by a family/ sacred clan or a machine and reported for misguided behavior, I may take away your sould custody and you will have to be locked in the Gates.”
“Ooooo, I’m so scared father! You think that the rules scare me? Ha!”

“Miuzaki! Listen to your father! You know not to behave rude on a noble’s property.”
“Okaasan! Do not defend the “I’m the rules, blah-blah-blah!” guy! Take upon your own actions!”

“Miu! You must not get him mad, listen to our parents. Please, do it for Parker.” Hishii
Grabbed her hand and looked in her eyes. Miuzaki looked around and bowed to the elders.

“Gomen nasai, father, mother and nurse. Please forgive me and my rude behavior that has stricken upon I. I wish to sought out your forgiveness. If I am received punishment, let it be. I will handle my consequences and take time out of my hands to pay off
My behavior.”

“Miuzaki, the talk we had at the house, is only worked once. This time, I gotta give you punishment. I sentence you to the Gates for 4800 hours, and you must pay at least 1600tickets by the noon of next Wednesday.”
“If I do not my bill or finish my time at the Gates?”
“You are then hold for contempt for you have not paid your woes. Your bill will increase by 15 percent. And your hours not presented, you must pay a visit at the
M.Church and go there directly, no family church. They shall give you the deal. If they
Have granted you with more hours, I must triple that, if they grant you with more bills
Then I must advance that by 100 percent for an entire year.”
“Alright. I will start tonight.”

Ch. 8

It is morning. Most families are at the park, and while some families (That would be The nobles) are at home studying.
There was an incident that happened not that long. They had to close the park, and cops were called on the scene. They found a little girl’s body. She didn’t look like
She was from Japan, maybe from the U.S.

Everyone that went to the park was demanded to leave at once. The cops played yellow tape that says: "CRIME SECNE DO NOT CROSS". The people watch from the other side as the paramedics place the body in the bag.

"Sir," A woman grabbed an officer's sleeve. "Is that person alright? Where is his parents?"
"Miss," He looked at her. "The little girl's parents are in fact missing; unknown. And no, she was found face-down in the sand."
"Oh dear," She backed up and fell on her ass. "My, I hope it wasn’t my girl."
"Miss? Would you like to see her?" He grabbed her hand and she crossed the tape.
"Hai please." He still held her hand and he walked her to the ambulance.

"miss," One of the paramedics started talking. "What you're going to see is gruesum. I hope you didn’t have a large meal."
"Why is that?" She looked at the bag. She looked at the paramedics' hand on the zipper and unzipped the bag and pulled out the flip. The woman screamed. She fell behind her and looked hysterical.
"T-T-That can't be?!" She pointed to the bag. "T-T-T-T-That's my daughter!"
"Are you sure miss? Want to take another--"
"NOOOO!! I must not see it again."
"Where is your husband ma'am?" The officer picked her up and brought her into his car.
"He is out...on a business trip here in Japan."
"Where in Japan?"
"Uhmmm....It started with uhmm..."
"May I have his call?"
"Sure." She wrote her husband's number. "Here" She handed him the slip.
'Arigato gozaimasu. Does he speak any Japanese?"
"Just a little...Oh! I remembered his hotel he staying."
"Miss, we can handle it from here."
"But. Why am I in here?"
"To talk to you about personal affairs. Tell me here name, before I leave."
"Yeah, long story. She is 7 years old, and was excited to come here to Japan. Raven, that's his name, don't ask, came here for a business trip in...Hokkaido...He's staying at the London-Tux Senjuka's...I think..."
"Okay, before I go, I want you to talk to him." He hands her the phone.
"Okay." She dials his number. The phone rings.

"Hello? Suzanne? What's wrong? Are you crying?" He sounded concerned.
"Raven.......I-I-It's Jonathan..."
"Jonathan our girl? Why? What happened?"
"S-She was m-m----"
"Suzi? Suzi??"

"Hello sir, this is Otakawa police on the scene."
"Oh officer, where's Jo? She alright? What happened to my little girl?"
"Sir, you're daughter's been murdered."
"MURDERED?! But how's that possible?! Where's Suzanne?!"
"Don't worry, she's with us."
"Did she no watch her?!"
"Sir, calm down, I know you're in shock, but you have to be calm and answer a few questions."
"Alright. What are they?"
"I cannot tell you over the phone. You must come down to Shinjiku Station."
"I can't. I just entered the meeting."
"When will you be able to come?"
"In about 3 hours. Is Suzanne hurt?"
"No, she's all in one-piece. I'm taking her down for some questions."
"Alright, arigato."
"Doishimashte. And Mr., I am sorry for your loss."
"Thank you.....arigato...." He hung up. He sounded as if he were crying.

"Is Raven alright?"
"Hai, he had just entered his meeting and won't come until 9:30."
"Oh dear." She held her head on her knees. "This is all my fault!!!"
"Miss it is not. Now tell me, where were you when Jonathan was murdered?"
"I was there, at the restroom drying my hands because I was with some friends and she spilt some tea on me so I washed it off. When I came back, I-I-I-I saw that Jo was missing. I asked the other mothers but my friends said that they don't know. I mean, how hard is it to find a blonde white girl?"
"Miss, these places are dangerous at night. What time have you came to this park?"
"A-A-A-A-Around 4:30-ish."
"Was your husband with you?"
"Yes, but he left shortly, said he had to be there extra early.."
"Now, what time did you hang out with your friends?"
"Around 5:30."
"Now, between that hour, what did your husband do before you leave?"
"H-H-H-He was, uhhhh....shit.....He was bringing Jo to the ice cream truck, she asked for a ice cream, some Japanese one I think..."
"What was the truck driver wearing? His appearance?"
"Uhmm...I think Asian....Long black hair.......his tip of his ponytail was white, yes, white. I mean, who do that at such a young age? and his name was....Uhhh....Raven knows. It was like.....I something......"
"Alright, thank you. Now, I have to take you do for some questioning. I need your official words and description..."
"Wait, did that truck guy kill Jo?!"
"No...You see, her face was severely abnormal, bruised and disfigured.."
"Yes, Such a horrid Site. I hope Raven doesn't have to go through that like me."
"But he has to...He must see if it is his daughter as well."
"He is the father! I am sure of it!!"
"Miss do not yell."
"Sorry...It is could this happen to my family? Jo? She was such a sweet girl, loving and caring. She was full of LIFE...How could someone do this to us?"
"Well, maybe the killer was jealous of what she had: a family."
"So you think her killer was a homeless guy?"
"iie. I'm just saying.."
"Officer, may I ask you something?"
"Her face you said it was disfigured, right?"
"Yes, her left eye was lower than her right."
"That's because she was born that way. Another reason why we came to Japan was that Raven said there was a magnificent surgeon that could fix her malformation. We were suppose to go there this afternoon, at 7:45...She died at 6:13..."
"Correct, and I am sorry for your loss."
"And why was her mouth slit?"
"Her mouth, slit?"
"Yea. It was slit from ear-to-ear almost.."
"Maybe she is real.."
"Kuchisake Onna..."

The back of the police car got quiet. Then Suzanne began to speak.

"Another thing officer, if you ever find the son-of-a-bitch that killed my little girl, I want to see him.....face-to-face....I need to know why....Why her and not me?"
"I promise you miss that you will get your chance to see him/her."
"Your welcome."

That was what happened AFTER the incident, now, this was what happened BEFORE the American girl was murdered.

It was a sunny bright afternoon, a little girl, her name's Jo, she was at the park with her American family, the Georgesons.
An ice cream truck pulled by, the sound of its tune, the kids running with their parents waiting in line for ice cream. It was a bright sunny afternoon, Jo and her father, Raven waited ten minutes for ice cream. It's her turn in the line.

"Hello miss," The ice cream man smiled at her. "What would you like today?"
Jo looked all over the menu. All was delicious, sweet, juicy and flavored from almost 32 different flavors.
"Daddy, may I have the Strawberry Popsicle?"
"Sure sweetie, anything for my little poodle." He handed the man ($1.45 American money), and in return Jo got her popsicle.
"Thank you sir!" She and Raven bowed.
"My, such good manners for a little girl." The ice cream man waved her goodbye as Jo and her father walked into the park.

"Such nice man daddy." She licked her icecream.
"Sure is dear. Now, what are you gunna do?"
"Uhh...That swing looks like." She pointed, her other hand on the stick licking the strawberry popsicle.
"Go dear."
"Daddy, aren't you coming?"
"I wish I could sweety, but," He bent down to jo's level. "But I gotta go to work now."
"Awww, but dad, you don't start until 6:30."
"I know, but I got to go there early. Now, you go have fun and make friends dear." He kissed her cheek. "I'll see you and your mom back at the hotel!" He waved as he ran.
"Bye dad!" She waved with her other hand. She still continues to enjoy her popsicle.

Suzanne was with her friends setting up a picnic date. She saw Suzanne on the swings and eating her ice cream.

"Where's Raven?" Michiko (one of her friend's) looked to see Raven.
"Oh, he's probably at work."
"At early?"
"Yeah, he always goes early. I can watch her from here."

Michiko, Ryisu, Kari, and Gyun-Shu (She's Korean, and yes I know, there's Korean too you know) helped Suzanne place out the blanket.

"Oh Suzanne! You dress, it's stained!" Kari pointed to her dress. Suzanne's dress had tea spilt on it.
"Damn it! I'm going to wash it off. Can someone watch Jo please?"
"Thank you." Suzanne ran to the bathroom and washed off the tea.

When she came back, she saw that Jo wasn't on the swing anymore. She asked her friends but neither have seen her.

"I told you to watch her!"
"I was! Then, I think she ran off with that boy over there." Michiko pointed the the boy at the swings.

Where's Jo? Where could she run off to?

Jo was running, running non-stop into the maze. Her popsicle was good, she finished it and threw it away. She saw a lady run into the maze crying, so she followed her. The lady wore a cloak, and her hoodie was covering her head.
Could this be the same person that attacked Parker and Miuzaki's friend?
Or is this the Kuchisake Onna?
Or someone else?

Jo had stopped running. She panted, and looked around her. She didn't know where she was; in fact, Jo knew she was far from her mother, and from everyone. She was lost. She had gathered herself for a trap, prepared by an unknown woman-killer. Jo heard a lady cry. She walked slowly into the maze. She looked all angles, all arches, and the cry was getting louder and louder. When she got to the point where the cry was vivid, Jo stopped. She looked over the open-way, and saw a woman crying. The lady was holding a framed picture, it looked to be her son in that picture.

The little girl walked on over to the weeping woman. She sat down next to her and placed her hand on the crying lady's shoulder. She looked at the photo; nothing. All was black.
"Miss," Jo began. "What's wrong?"
"My boy," The lady went quiet, then she began again. "my boy.....Was a great man..."
"But miss, there is no picture. See? The picture is black."
"No it is not...If you think clearly little girl, you can see a picture through the screen. See?" The lady removed the screen from the photo, then Jo screamed at the horrid sight.

"What is that?! Your son miss?!!!" Jo looked away from the sight. The woman laughed hysterically.
"Yes my dear, that is, or use to be, my boy. Now, Jo, haven't your mother told you to not speak with strangers?"
"How do you know my name?!?!?!!!!!"
"You don't know me Jonathan Georgeson? Remember me? Have you ever watched the JNews?"
"Japanese News? Noooo, I just got here in Japan! LEAVE ME ALONE SCARY LADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Scary lady? Oh Jonathan, you really got me. Look, look at my head, do you see it?"
"No, because you have a hoodie over it."
"But do you think I have one?"
"Everyone has a head."
"Do they? Because I sure don't think."
"Why not?"
"Because not all have a head."
"Name one person miss."
"I got one: Me." She removed her hoodie, and laid there was no head. Just a head-less woman.
"You.......You're the----"
"Head-less woman of Blossoms Gate? Hai I am. My, my...What a nice head you have..." She got close to the little child. Jo backed away and cried; begged for her to no rip hers off.
"Please miss! Please don't take my head!"
"Who said I was? Your head is way to small for my body."
"Huh? Then what do you want from me?!"
"Nothing. Now that you know I exist, I must kill you."
"Because I don't want a small child's head. So therefore, if I let you live, I would be discovered."
"But---But wait! I will tell them another thing! I will save you, and I will hide you...Please, please just let me live."
"I'm afraid I cannot do that dear. If I let you live, I'm sending out a warrant for me."
"But they won't find you! You head no head!"
"Exactly. I would be easier to find. So, say goodbye little girl. This is the---Hey! You can't run from me young girl!" The woman looks as the girl runs from the maze.

Jo came out of the maze crying and screaming. She was crying for her mother. A woman found her and gave Jo her hand.

"Something wrong little girl?"
"There's a killer! I need my mother!!"
"Who's the killer? It sure ain't me----Jo." The woman pulled off her mask, and there she was: the head-less woman. Jo screamed and kept on running.

"The more you run the more I find you! Just stay and one place and it'll all be over!"
"NO!!!!!! I WANNA LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOTHERRRRRRRRR!!!!!"

From the park, Suzanne heard a fain cry out far in the distance.
"You guys heard that?" She asked her friends. They haven't heard anything. "It sounded like Jonathan." She got up and looked behind her. Back there lays a maze.

The afternoon got chilly. The wind blew faster and windy. And the girls all gathered together and huddled each other, the cold was getting worse and wose.

"JONATHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Suzanne yelled.
Jo heard her mom's echo and cried back.
Suzanne heard the cry again and ran into the maze.

"Where you going Suze?!"
"To get my daughter! I hear her! She's there! I can hear her! She's right-----there." Suzanne stopped. The cries stopped. And Suzanne stopped and looked behind her, she was far from the park and her friends; and from everyone in location. In front of her, laid an entrance to a gallery of somewhat. She got closer to the door, and she had a feeling that her daughter was in there.

"MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!" She could hear the echos again, and louder.
"JONATHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!"
"JONATHAN!!!!!!!!!!!" She held onto the knob and opened the door. When she opened her eyes, there was no gallery. But just a maze. A maze left on the other side that no one had ever seen, or head of. And now, the cries and echos had stopped once more. Suzanne walked slowly and looked around her whereabouts. Tall, grassy, walls. Tall grassy walls all around her. She felt the walls, they were soft and thick...also thorns on them thst pricked her finger, bleeding out, Suzanne ignred the blood and continued on walking. The cries returned, and became violent.

"MOTHER WHY AREN'T YOU HERE?!?!?!?!??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"JONATHAN!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"JONATHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Suzanne ran faster and quicker to the cries. When she got closer and closer, they kept on getting louder and louder...She was getting close. And when she got to the location of where the screams were coming from, it ended. And what Suzanne saw in front of her was not what she wanted to see.


And there she was: Jo, a 7-year old girl; found lying on the ground, dead. Her right foot was twisted back to look like her left foot, cuts found all over her face arms and legs, her long blonde hair was cut short, her eyes were removed from their sockets. But whats 2nd worse was her mouth: slit. Slit from ear-to-ear.

Suzanne walked to the deformed body and glanced over it seceral times to check if it were Jonathan. And it was. Suzanne closed her eyes, to think of this as a bad nightmare, but as she opened her eyes, the dead daughter was still there as it was. Suzanne cried and screamed.

On the other side, Suzanne's friends called police and told that Suzanne and her daughter went missing. Cops came and searched the park. One of them found the gallery door and walked into a grassy maze. Other cops, and the citizens of Japan followed.
The cops flashed their flashlights in search of the missing women. A cry was let out, the people followed but was only left with the dead girl, Jonathan Georgeson.
Her mother was still missing: until she was found in the crowd. The question remains unknown as to how Mrs. Georgeson was in the crod, even though she was reported missing as well.
But at least they were found.
But one lived,
and one died.
The question remains: where's the head-less woman's location?

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