Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Uruha (the intro)


The soft pitter patter of light rain always kept little Uruha awake. He'd look out the window and see a trail of water on the glass coming down, then he'd hear lighting, scaring him. Uruha would sink in his sheets and hope it'll stop by thee sun rise.
At around 3a.m, the little Uruha has been rudely awaken by the rain dripping to the grasss outside. He got out of bed and walked into his sister's room.
"What do you want, lil' punk?" She woke up from the crack of light and saw Uruha on the other side.
"I'm scared.."
"Of what? Rain?"
"Go to oniisan and okaasan."
"Okay. What if-"
"Then go to bed!" She hisses at her brother.
"Sorry. He closes the door.

Uruha walks gently down the hall, to not disturb his other sister. He opens their parents' door quietly.
"Okkasan? Oniisan?" Uruha saw barely anything through the crack entrance, and heard nothing. They must be sleeping. He walks in, seeing the bed: untouched and no one in it. He left in a hurry and cried "ONIISAN!! OKAASAN!!"

"What is it Uruha?"
"Ma...Father..." He cried.
"Calm down." His other sister tried cheering him up.

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